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The Elwood Daily Record from Elwood, Indiana • Page 1

The Elwood Daily Record from Elwood, Indiana • Page 1

Elwood, Indiana
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"4 1 "3 ET sr sr I I VOL 9 NO 74 KLWOOh, INDIANA WEDNESDAY N0VKMBEK 1H 1901 TEN CENTS A WEEK IT FORK OF eompanv put in a few of these ties at Frankfort Station, on the New York division! These ties are said to be as ASSAULT ON HOT BLOWN TO PIECES plaint she alleges' that previous to their marriage he aooompanied her to church, but that soon afterward be told her that he did not believe in her religion and that ibe only pretended it, When she asked for money to pay her THE ROAD MINERS church daes he refused to give It to good and sound today as when they were put down. After the bark ii peeled off the wood becomes as hard as bona These ties cost the company 13.50 apiece, but similar ties can now be secured for $1.50 apiwe. Owing to the ocost of these ties there Is no idea of introducing them in a general way at the present, but they are to be given a thorough test Tie timber is getting scarce in the United States BOARD OF her. When he found her in prayer he would make fnn of her and abuse ner. When she asked a blessing at the table he invariably said: ILLINOIS STATE QUALIZATION IN USING EMPTY NITROGLYCERINS CAN AS DRUM.

QUANDARY. NON-UNION MEN ARE 'BEATEN AT VINCENNES. T3 Fear Hundred Unionists Engage in It tot. "Hairy np; the Lord knows what we are here for. To tn is she replied: "George yOu will seethe day yon Distressing Accident Near Alex andria, Yesterday.

and it is desired to learn just how Between Two Courts and Either Coarse It May Take Leads Toward Jail will be sorry for durable ties made from mora wood are, as tbe time may come when they Then he would reply It, there is a better will be put in general use if the tests Christian In than you are. prove their durability. Charlie Ott, 14 years old.msta terrible fate at a few minutes before 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, one mile and a half southwest of Alexandria One day she asked him for SB oents Chicago, Nov. 20. Judge Grosskup and he asked her what she did witn of tbe United Jtates district court issued an ex parte Injun etion today re the 25 cents he gave her a week ago Escaped From Ik Prison and thn he told her to shut her mooth.

straining the state board of equaliza On account of his abuse she was compelled to leave him and go to her tion from assessing the francihsee of the Union traction and the Chicago Consolidated traction oompany. This step wss taken by the tractiori compa daughter. Besides his other taunts I Columbus, Nov. 20. Lizzie nies with a view of combating tbe rul Buthven escaped from the female de she says he objoetsd to the mention of her dead husband's name and as her property was in her former name be abused her.

She asks the court to re store her former name of Lots an give her $500 alimony. Anderson Herald. ing of Judge Thompson of the state court, who issued a writ of mandamus requiring the state board of equalization to assess the capital stock of these two and other Chicago By the decision tbe federal and state courts are brought to tbe verge of con partment of the Ohio penitentiary during last night. She went over the wall and it is supposed that she had assistance from the outside. This is tbe first escape ever made from the female deoartment Mrs.

Buthven was serving a six -year sentence from On Texas flict, aud tbe board of equaliation is Cuyahoga county for receiving stolen He wss blown to pieces with nitro-giyeeirne within 30 feet of his father, Charles Ott, and a younger brother. The accident is the most distress' ing that has Happened in the north part of tbe county. All Alexandria was excited over the affair last night, and Davis' morgue where the remains were taken were thronged with people who were anxious to see the shattered body Men, women and boys pleaded with Undertaker Daivs to see the victim of the deadly explosive, but only a few were granted permissioa Tbe Ott family were making preparations to move from a farm four miles southwest of Alexandria where the accident occurred. Yesterday afternoon Chas, Ott, accompaned by his two sons, went to the Phillips farm with a lead of rails with which to repair a fence. As they were driving along Charles Ott and his Bruall brother ran along the road.

Charles Ott Baw what appeared to be a harmless can in some weeds. He picked it up, not suspecting it contained death. With the can in bis bands he ran toward the wagon woere his father was. He called his father's attention to the can, remarking it woald make a good oil can. brought up standing at the fork of the goods.

She was the wife of Edward Oil Fields Rothven, who was electrocuted here road, either way leading toward a jail. Acting under the state supreme court's decision, Judge Owen P.Thom last summer for the murder ef a Cleveland policeman named Shipp. pson of the Illinois circuit court has ordered the board to'make forthwith a capital stock assessment for 1900, in Basket Ball Washinton, Nox 20. The geological survey has just issued the report of George I.Adains, one of its experts, on the oil and gas fields of Texas and the western coast. The report poiuts oat the limited areal extent of the reser cluding therein tbe fraction compa nies, and to return the assessment not Organized later than Friday, or go to jaiL If the Vinoennes, Nov.

20. Fonr hundred union eoal miners from Washington, Oannelsbnrg, Princeton and Montgomery arrived here at an ear Ij hour this morning and at o'clock made an attack npon the non-union miners employed at the Proepest Hill mines near this city. A i a resnlt two men are fatally hurt and a half dozen mora are fatally injured The union miners formed at the Union itation and marched to the mines. Juit as the men of the day shift were going on duty they were attached and reoeived horrible treat meut. The nnion men asked for the foreman, William Soott, and when told that be was in bed, said: "All rirht, we'll get him," aod started after htm, and for a short time pandemonium reigned, 'in the melee that followed Mr.

Soott and his family defended the mst'lvrs as bet thoy oonld. but were ponerleMt. Scott was hft'ilT beaten about the head and faoo, ami i au attorney of Washing fou.a of loott, who wai visitiug there, sustained injuries tint iuav piove fatal. He had a rib broken uud an nye badly injured. Henry Hanuery, a ruiuer, was so badly beaten by the men that he had to be removed to the city, where he oonld be given meedical attention, and bis injuries are soch that he may die.

Airs. Soott was slapped in the face, and when she resented the attaok, it is alleged that one of the men drew a gnu and told her he would make short work of her if she persisted In her foolishness. Otis Scott, the flfteen-ysar-old son, was knocked down, as was also Dottie, the tni -year-old daughter of Soott Others that suffered at the hands of the visitors were Robert McDaniel, Posey Kuigbt, John Scott and Kenuer Mars. All are badly bruised about the head and face. It is said there that no word was spoken to Soctt until the fight began.

In the fight the stove was knocked over and a big hole was burned in the floor. Some of the miners, however, picked up the stove and extinguished the fire. The house was badly damaged. Al-most every window was broken and voir which has been tapped under Spindle Top Heights, and calls atten tion to tbe difference whioh will have The following young ladies of the city high school have organized a bas to be met in tbe development of other board obeys the order it will be in contempt of the United States circuit oourt for violfcMng Judge Grosscup's temporary injunction. If the bosrd obeys the rosso a order, it will be in contempt of the Illinois circuit court for violating Judge Thompson's mandamus writ ket ball team: Lillian Stevens, Goldie localities which may be widely sepa rated from it, but ocoupiyn? a position The elder Utt told him to put the can in relatively tbe same horizon.

Th Lee, Florence Stephens, Glenn Gold-namer, Lee Miller, Nellie Kidwell and Alma Barman. Miss Goldie Lee has been chosen captain. The costumes report says it is well known that the down, saying be did not know what it might contain. Young Ott threw the can to tbe ground. It struck a rock Beaumont oil contains sulphur and its presence has determined ia a measure are red and gray red sweaters and gray skirta They expect to have tie the uses to whioh the oil mav be tint.

Tbe limited ooourrenens of gas and ia use of the gymnasium in two week a Meade Court-Martial On dloationi of oil in outlying lcoalities The gymnasium is now occupied by the little folka are noted as an aid to those who seek to develop new fields. WATCH IS ToPersue LOCATED The Brigands New York, Nov. 20. Col Rober L. Meade, the commanding officer of the marine barraoks at the Brooklyn navy yard, faced a court-maitial yesterday in the paymaster's building at the yard on charges preferred against him oy Maj.

C. Lauohheimer and Col. P. Denny. The flioer is ac-oused of drunkenness while on duty and scandalous conduct.

a-rt exploded.tearing the boy to pieces before his father's and brother's eyes. It all happened in an instant! The elder Ott waB staggered by the report and the unfortunate boy's bi other wss thrown to the ground, although several feet way. The explosion was heard by several people, and it was but a short time until at least 200 baa gathered on the ground. Davis' ambulance was called and the remains were gathered up and taken to the niorgoe at Alexandria. The boy's abdomen was blown out and his entire face blown off.

The arms and legs were torn from the body, and one handcould not be found. Death was instantaneous. Coroner Conrad was notified and was accompanied to Alexandria by a Herald reporter. Coroner Conrad viewed the remains, but postponed investigation until today on account of absence of witnesses. He will return to Alexandria this morning (arTd will make a thorough investigation.

He will visit The wtch that was stole from Evan Sofia, Nov. 20. It is reported that Mr. Dickinson, the United States dip lomatio agent here, has informed the government of Bulgaria that the ab ouotors or aiiss uiien M. Stone and Wellington some time age has been located in a pawn shop in Chicago by the police of that city.

The watch is a solid g-old case with a Waltham movement and is worth quiite a sum of money. Evan may consder hmself most fortunate being able to reecov-er it. The thitf has not been appre Mme. Tsilka, with their captives, are Taken By concealed in a delfle of the Belleritza mountains, near Smotch, district of Mistak Dubnitza, and has requested that one of the doors was battered down, Onl- foity men are employed in the mine which is run on tbe co-operative plan and independently. The operators claim that they can not pay the union scale, and run, but say they pay he highest price possible, and in some instances pay more than scale prioes.

hended, but a close Jookout is Deing troops be sent to surround the place kept and the officers are confident of landing their man soon. aud liberate the' captives. Scale Holds the scene of the acddenTdlWt" They olaim to mine from forty to six A fur cloak was taken by mistake at the anniversary dinner of Dr7 Doan's on Sunday, Nov. 17th. Cloak has a mark on inside of collar, viz: Made for MoNaughton, Munoie.

Please return to Dr. Doan's residence and get the one that was left. ty tons of coal a day, and theieby ate BOERS SETTLE IN INDIANA sine to give a lew employment. Only a Year There is great confusion over the at taok and another raid is expected. The nniou miners say they will force the mine to unionize or lose up, but one of Pittsburg, Nov.

20. The tinplate Experimenting Muncie, Nov. 20. Many Boer families are coming from South Africa and settling in Indiana. Families have the two mnst be done.

Further workers of the Amalgamated assooia each tit of evidence in hope of bringing to justice the parties who are clearly responsible foi the lovs' deatb. There, was great indignatftn at Alexandria last night against anjoil company whioh is said to have shot a well on the Phillips farm last spring, and thawing the empty nitroglycerins nans in the weeds. A number of cans have been found laying around in the vicinity of where young Ott was killed.and a boy named Thomas escaped death in a similar manner a few weeks ago. All that was left of the unfortunate boy was taken to the home of his parents at 11 o'clock last night and will be buried today. The boy's mother is insane from grief, and it was feared trouble is anticipated.

ion have vcted unanimously against With Ties the proposition of the late strike set Wants a Divorce been straggling into this county for several months. Today Paul Pladt and family arrived after traversing almost tbe entire world, and have con tlement to have their scale hold for The Pennsylvania railroad company, cluded to make Indiana their future three years. The officers of the American tinplate oompany in New York have been notified of the dooision and the scale will, therefore, terminate which has experimented in a small way with ties made1 of mora wood, which was brought from British Gu within one year. The unanimous de- as night she would lose her reason. oision on the subjeot shows theporpose iana, South America, will make a fur Pladt nas considerable money.

His home was destroyed by the British soldiers ani he was forced to gather his family and leave. He will purchase real estate near this city and take np farming as it is done in America. Pladt "is educated and Mrs. Anna Onnningham.of ElwoodJ has begun suit in the Superior court for a divoroe from George W. Cunningham.

When they were married in 1893 they went to lire in Cunningham's residence on South street. Cunningham had two children and his wife carei for them. Ia her oom- uor oner Uonrad said last night he would make every effort to discover ther test of the ties made from this of the recognized nnion mills to stand with their brother members in the who planed tbe can in the weeds, and wood and a number will be put in the mills made non-union by the strike mat in case the blame is Disced where raoks on the Philadelphia division. it belongs tbe guilty tarries will settlement. Some seven or eight years ago the speaks several different languagsa prosecuted for xnsntlaothttr.l.

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