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The Elwood Daily Record from Elwood, Indiana • Page 8

The Elwood Daily Record from Elwood, Indiana • Page 8

Elwood, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Literary riiAlSKS T1IK FKKNCII Palmer Mere Than Eier Pleased with Visit to Paris. ft fklraa llrrlarra TkaS Ik raioi l.runi Hrtlcr l(elui ion ot IIei t. Vbres. It plea-ed the Spirit to rail our I rotber, I'. K.

Loe-mm. troin the huntings grounds of etrth to tuat hurtie fiotu whrtice travebr rt'txn uu. ami Whereas. Trie wife but list a lov-iyjE b'ucralIe bttaiid. tjie family a dntifol son bm brother.tbe corn run n- WASHINGTON Trustee Mullen of nir township, lefuse to teachers attending the county institution, his lUltri iMCililt mill attorcev atmswg cm. law rv. bo-odes hii'b tl-V TELEGRAM 7 inv, iliino, ttirr ivir, ha WI Ifll a vaium lutnuvri lunr towuship advjst ry loard has made no! and upright eitireu fore be it Rohel, Tbat Setuva Tribe. No. 113 iu council assembled, fUeuds to the wite and fa nily our sitoe sym pathy in their hour of bereavement. That the charter 1 1 i' 1 draed in mourniug for a period of thirty days, that a copv of these reso FrtIlcb PruUd their mutations be placed upon the recrd ot itry glory, wh tb column mort the tnle.

that a copy be sent to wider ai.d family and printed in the tliH papers of the city. O. W. COX EN. JAMES E.

FISHER. ANDREW SNODGRASS. Committt Resolutions of Ieect. Ti i hanel. Millerand nd It fcas pleased the Grand T.

leau litn to her words. The Placa BRIEF INDIANA Al'RARA Clia. M. Bailey. old soldier.was fatally hurt by rohsioii with a train on a crossing l.i .1 Ml ink I a rennsvivauia raKetnau, a 11 uuuer 1 pis train aud was cut lu two.

KIKKLIN The Twenty-sixth; lu- diana luginieutal association will hold a reunicu heie, September 5 ami ri. WaRKKN The uew water work ud electric-light plant, erected at a coet of is in successful operation. LAFYETTK Richard Connor is suing for divorce, alleging abandonment on the juut ot his wife. They were tnatried in ltoo. FRANKLIN David L.

Pritcbard is Piling Joseph J. Moore, ex-State Fenator. of lrafalgar, claimiug 15,000 damage! for slauder. FT. WAYNE John, the four-year-old son of Harry Waterman, fell into pail of hot water yesteiday aud died this morning.

DUBLIN Micheal Behniug.eighty-four years old. while gathering plums, fell from a tree, bieakiug an arm and aislocating a wrist. MUNCIE Mrs. Samuel McConnell, seventy years old of Union township, by an accidental fall, broke both arms and sustained internal hurts. J.

E. Black, employed by the American Iron company, was caught by the shafting and his arm was frightfully broken and maogled. MARTINSVILLE Orange Graves, an old citizen, who, in his youth, was the personal friend of William Cullen Bryant, has been stricken with paralysis. KOKOMO William Servis, an alleged deserter from Ft. Leavenworth, attempted to saw his way out of jail, but was discovered in time by the sheriff.

ROCKPORT Acting under instructions from the governor, Sheriff Ander son prevented the prize-fight billed for Saturday night between "Kid" Ash and Joe Montgomery. KNIGHTSTOWN Frank I. Walker, professor of English and history in the high school here, has accepted a similar position with the high school at Colorado Springs, Colo. ORLEANS A. W.

Mead, while talking on the street with a friend, was approached by an unknown person aud struck violently over the hiad with a bottle, to his Berions injuiy. COVINGTON David L. Peck of Danville, seventy years old, and a wealthy, "retired farmer, and Miss Kathleen M. Castell, twenty-two jears.old, of Catlin, were married in this city. WARSAW While Ralph Brum-bangh, ErueBt Nicholds and Claude Bradway were sailing on Center Lake, the boat was capmed by a puff cf wind, and Bradway, seventeen years old was drowned.

RICHMOND An eipbsion of a steam cooker in the New -Paris creamery injured several persons because of scalding steam, acre particularly Perry DeftrdorfT, Paul McNeill and Charles Wiielau. DUBLIN The anneal basket meeting of the Universalists at Devon church is appointed and the Rev. M. Guthrie, who has officiated for the past tweuy-seven years in that capacity, will be in charge, VALPARAISO-T. C.

Reynolds of Westville, eighty-two years old, whose death is reported, was the inveutor of the first traction engine in this country, and he also devised, considerable watch machinery. MUNCIE It is said that 600 skilled class blowers of this vicinity are booked by Isaac Humphrey of this city, who has established two green Jbottle plants near San Francisco. SPENCER-Messrs. Chilsou Nagle have issued the first a number of the Democratic Standard. With its.

first issue the Standard clamors for an investigation of county affairs. WANTED Owners to list with us, sjrue vacant lots east of Anderson and north of Sodth Btreet. We can sell them. JAMES HARVEY. 4 the is fill he tbr but der but He A in at of is in Digest IsbhwI Weekly.

3J pages. Illustrated All the Periodical la qc" Typical Opinions From Subscribf rs: Kitwla Marabani, ilruoklya, N. i Thf I.ITaHaaT lli.lf.r tliut-avrr, a Kotiry savi it(l a atmj er, Ii ihrvxh'-a cul ItiP 'o- ine nerj I ktui ef le'n cf Hi kind 10 the prritiUlcal 111 1 alu)t iid'Uin t-inl 11 to frirniW I tarrnci- f'railliia lu this, mj rount'f bume. Ttie l.llfiary 1 lie on' wn-klv that can imt siitrptl 1 rr-lv uhii it tor my kure an liuicn kutialrtli' of fir cum-nt iftitltlo. literary, poetical uiov-mi jtranil irulls, and lly think ll ban tdiiit lli- ti'st I'dlii'J jnurnal uf 1U kind 111! II.

llUf llnKtiB. It. 1.1. I. iMorine of tVntral NV York; "With my family I ieAt -v-ry uf 't'he l.lwrarr IhKfsl with ruiicll Interra, ami then srnd It to my ton, a li ruyumii." aryiiinui li.

lliuiiiitii, ('ouuM'lor at aw, Nw Yk rk City; "1 du jou no more than Justice In Miyini; tbat I am alle to endorae verythinir yyu claim for 1 Hit I.itkhahV li Is by fhd muHt nirrltorlous publication tbat ii'mei to my desk." Milium rril "It will afforS Immense asKintuyci' to the Kcbolam of the rouoiry." II. io' Unity, Ill "The Lltrrary DleKt Is an absolute oe-ielty to thoe who woul i k'et-p id liua with Die profrenn uf thoutbl and aihlevemrDt do not see bow any thinking man can net 'ong without ll 10 Cli par Copy, a 3 oo par War ftcad far deter lila rlrcalar FUNK WAGNALL3 Ncv York. At tout Ion (J A. It. The L.

E. A W. railroad has made arraugmenU to take care of all old comrades along their line who will attend the encampment at Clevelaud, Sept. 10 to 14. From El wood the ronnd trip rate is $5.

10, tickets on sale September 8th to lath inclusive. A spooial train will run from Elwood to Cleveland on Monday night, 8ept. 9th. Leave Elwood about p. arrive at Clevelaud at 7 a.

m. next morning. Full particulars'will be announced at regular meeting iu it. A. R.

hall uext Tuemiay night The L. E. W. has some very good inducements to offer the G. A.

It. ou this trip 11 of which will be fully explalued next Tuesday night. This will afford yoo an opportunity to visit Buffalo and Nigara Falls at very low rate. Yon can get full prticnlars at L. K.

W. ticket otlice. W. B. ROBB1NS, City Ticket Agent.

The Louisville Nashville Railroad Operates tie Finest ra mer Serrli in the South. The equlymeul is up-to-date, tne road ld without ho equal aad the time ibe fastest. Tbrounb trains of mafiiltlfi nt Coaohen and room Sleeping Cars letweu Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville or St. Louis and Nashville, Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, Pansacola and Jacksonville, Through the biAtori jul Htd svieure ri Unions of Alabninu, Mississippi, LeuUlutiaand'KlorUlu. for deieripiive mailer, ilin tutilcn an4 niaps, it UrtiHS C.

L. STONK, firm rsl funs. IjI CHEAPER THAN EVER Vuih To Colorado unci I) lily to SfclM. 10th. 1101 vit the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE ROUND TRIP RATES FROM Chicago to Denver, Colorado and Pueblo I to 10 Aug.

11 to 31 ProportlcmttU-fy cheap rates on same iIihrs to other Coloruilo and Utah Tourist points. Thn Superb New Train Rooky Mountain Limited Leaves Chicago dally at 1:00, p. Denver 4:15 Colorado SSprlnns (Maultou) MW p. m. next day.

OKLY OWE MUHT OUT. Write for details and Colorado literature, i Pjcbhv UK1JT1N, T. P. A 415 Park i PitisburK. i John SBB48TAIN, 0.

1', Fine wedding invitations, programs visiting oarda at Reooho Office. Ktvrr Wtr-Ha Maay Dili ttaBaWbri lallrra. "Lock vtr across at that column Napoleon, more iLjii Irui.iii's column at Kou.e," k.i Mr. Toller Palmer to tha Lhicago Kacoril Herald correspondent in the fealoii the uickt Lie in Pari. That," cont iuued Mrs.

Palmer, "is an epitome of the hia- ivm auu iuaia ic nuvu i'i peo- lhn typifies. lumlc.uf catmon by Napulroii hi wars. They art alto proud of their artistic if reman of wbiib ihr column it-j if it an elaborate Sir.te Mrs. Palmer's arrival iha has tl-eD much in the circles where r-all the fhionablt people of Paris. She it un(uetinbly the distingnished-looLing woman in the capital, and atatecmpn like Des- v.rdome la crowded with htr yiiitora' earrtagts, having armorial bearings upon them as old thoe of Due liohan.

Mrs. Palmer aid to the cor-respondeat: "Ths Paris season grows better every ytsr. I find It now In full swing. Hrtofbrt the Grand Prix mth-matlcally marked the clos of the season. Now, though two weeks later, ditners, balls, luncheons and soirees re in order.

I love the social life of Paris, but muM go on to London. I have made arrangement to return to the United. State at the end of July; then we go to Newport. "I am flad my on is In public life. We should all take an Interest In public afalrv be they yreat or small.

It is said uur beM people tV no part In polities. The fact Is tbat their not taking part la the welfare of their nation or city Is proof conclusive that they are not the best people." FULL DRESS AT CHURCH. Tke Laadaa loatU Prti Eto. yia.Mr itlrrllt ike Faafc-lBbl Wibii, Whether it be 1he novelty of the thing or not, full dress at evening ehurch service, as instituted by Dr. Ker Gray in St.

(Jeorve's chapel in Al-bermarle street, London, for the benefit of society, is proving a great success. The rrend d. etor took the Idea into his head thai if society people couid finish dim in tin.e to go to the theater at hal'-putt eight or sins 0 clock, why ti to ihurrh? So he changed the hour fmni seven to nine, inviting people to i-ome in evtnicsj dres. The idea caught. Women delighted to go jum a niiu li (o lhe opera.

Now the doctor, preache we kly to rows of lovely toilets jparkling diamonds. In fact. It is ii! ready rc nldered quite the thing: to to St. George's of a Sunday exenins? after dinner. The enlrrprising doctor is as much at home among the slums as In the salon.

He tell of how he found a man in a. condemned ll who had been brought there by seeing Henry Irving in "The Hells." 'I I fate of cousclenee-itricktiii had taken such a hold on him ih -it he could not keep his guilty secret any 'onger. He simply had to confess hi rliua Mason's quart fruit jars, 60 cents per dozen. Iuterurban Grocery and Meat Market, Trees iV Cochran, proprietors, Hasting block. 'Phone 151.

Fionipt tb livery Milo Se', chief of th liro department, leaves, tonight for Indianapolis to attend the national meetiug of live chiefs. He is anticipating a hue time. The Rathbono Sisters autiyipate a gool time this evening. A social session will be held after several candidates 'have been initiated Mrs. Fred Phillips of Michigan, who has been visiting friends at Fraukton, called on friends in this city today and left for home.

Mrs Morris Donnelly of has been the guest of Theresa Kramer sinca Wednesday, went home today: Miss Anua Dale of Chicago is a guest of Gustavo Kramer aud family ou South Anderson. L. W. Mellette and family have gone to Springport to visit friends and relatives. a If you want good broad to eat don't fail to get It from Cross.

Money loaned on furniture, pianos and organs. 9. Sive. Miss Jennie Antle went to Indian-apolii for a several weeks' visit. Architect of the universe to call our I dear brother, Milton M.

Davis from this earthly dwelling to a dwelling etertal in the Heavens; theufore be it Resolved that Quincy. lodge No. 230, F. A' A. M.

expresses sincere regret at the loss of our esteem brother; that we tender onr sympathy to his wife and relatives in their sore affliction, and tbat the charter of this lodge be draped for thirty days; be it further Resolved. Tbat these resolutions be spread upou the minutes of our lodge, that a copy of them be sent to the family of our deceased brother, and that copies be given to the daily papers for publication. JAMES SWATMAN. S. H.

DIG EL. JOSHUA MORGAN. Committee. Notice ot Admlnitratiou. Notice is hereby given that on the Mtb day of August, 1901, James M.

Cochran was dnly appointed administrator of the estate of Geo. W. Cochran, late of Madison county, Indiana, who died intestate on the 6th day of August, 1601, said estate will be settled by me accordingly which is supposed to be solvent. JAMES M. COCHRAN, Administrator.

I. aid to I tost. The remains of the three months" old child of Mr. and Mis. Chas.

Wood were laid to rest yesterday morning at 10 o'clock in the city cemetery. Death was due to malarial fever. funeral took place from tEe family residence, South I) street. liaptM Cliiiioh Notice, There will be meetings at the Hap-tist chuich, Tuesday, Wednesday and ThuiBday of this week. Every mem ber is earnestly roquest-1 to be present.

I tad Wrt k. Aug. 25. Fourteen persons were injured in'a collision be-tween a (rreeulield iuterurbaii car and a traiu on the Eelt railroad Sunday. At the M.

E. ohnrch yesterday morning and evening Rev. Beatty was greteed by splendid audiencs. Every one was glad to welcome him tack. His sermon in the morning and also that in the evening were very practical appropriation herefir.; Perry Carter, seventy-two years old. is the father of taby takiug tsrt prie at fair an tbe'haudsouiest child. Mr. Carter is living with his fourth wife, two being divorced and one dead. He the father of fonrteeun children.

KNIG HTSTO Ooone. Sumner will coatest the a tion of the county commissioners in naming Charles Christopher sheriff of Henry county, to out the interval betweeu September and January, when the sheriff-elect is installed, claimiug be is rightfully the officer to nil the vacaucy. VINCENNES-Johu Gardner, ill with was nuaiautined, but escaped and went to work for the Central Foundry company, where ee men are employed. He was discovered aud again placed in quarantine there is fear he has given the con tagion opportunity to spread. OOLUMBUS-Alexander Bell is un detention at Cincinnati connected with the sale of mules.

He was arreted for hoi Be stealing here in 1896, assaulted the jailer and escaped. was recaptured, but again escaped. third time he attempted to burn the jail, but was safely held and committed to prison. JEFFERSON VILLE Herman Jack son and Clarence Hamilton of Louisville, serving sentences in the jail for misdemeanor, were released for performing a daring feat repairing the flagstaff on the court house so tbat the national colors could oe uuaiea. ine ieai necessitated a climb of fifty ftet after" reaching the pole.

CORY DON H. H. Richards, the leading criminal lawyer of the Cory oon bar left home at the close of the May term of court ad nothing has been beard from him since. His family are of the belief that he is in Oklahoma and will return before the reopening of the fall term of conit. Mr.

Richards informed no one of his purpose in going away. KOKOMO A. P. Amrstrong administrator of the estate of toe late ChaileB G. ArmMrong has brought suit against A.

B. Armstrong a nephew alleging fbat after the death of the senor Armstrong the defendant wrong Ifully took possession of stock valued 124,000 in the manufacturing firms the Armstrong Landon company aud the Kokomo Rubber company. BLES VI LL county has brought suit against Peter R. Martz extreasurer to recover 1,292 which it alleged that the defendant drew over and above what he was entitled to under the fee ami salary law. Hu served The question as to legality of fees is in litigation, Mr.

Martz agreeing to make good if the ruling is adverse to his contention. ELKHART Joseph Berger is suing Mrs. Mary E. Searer of Locke township, this county, for fl 0,000, claiming that the defendant chaiged that the plaintiff und otters wronged her husband out cf $1,400, and thus hastened his death. ELKHART The report of the mail carriers, with other statistical information, shows this city has a population of 17,113, inskad of 15.1S4, as reported by the government ceuitus.

VEEDERSBURG A number of employes of the Wubaeh Clay company are striking or a weekly pay-day, instead of smi-monthly, and the plant has closed down indefinitely. WABASH Lewis Long, commits-iomers of Huntington county living near Pleasant Plain was thrown in a runaway accident, Btriking on his head and neck. His condition excites alarm. quality counts with you, you should alWaya'caU forv Bow yen's ice cream. The genuine in yellow tubs.

'Phone 1911. i and were well received. There were eight accessions to he church, five in the morning and three in the evening. Scrofula, fait rheum, etysipelas and other distressing eruptive diseases yield quiokly ana permanently to the cleansing, pnrifying'power of Burdock Blood Bitters. and Mis.

Will Hupp, Miss Maude Hupp, Mrs' Maggie Wright aud James Davis left this afternoon to attendee Knights Templar conclave at Louisville The demand for properties exceeds my supply. List your houseB with me for sale or rent, for prompt return. I. N. Roop, room 4 Adams block.

Dr.vUpldnanierwent to Louisville this afternoon. Try the Record for hne job work. 1.

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