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The Elwood Daily Record from Elwood, Indiana • Page 5

The Elwood Daily Record from Elwood, Indiana • Page 5

Elwood, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mJ mm mm, mS mm PUMPING CF NATURAL X-' ewe db ibout People 4c? Tk Saprem Casrt Ucld. Tkt Itn Trao.portatloK From th atata Hot Bo Eajelaod. Indianapolis, Dec 12. The su And Things preme court Tuesday held that the transportation of natural gas out of the atatc at high pressure by means of pumps, when the gas is left to Go td tha MatbociUt banar for' floor Mantlea, 10 to 25o at City Drug etore. Charles Harris was at Ne Caitle to- plllowa.

blow naturally and freely from the This store Is headquarters for useful Christinas Gifts. The kind it is a plelsure to give and a pleasure to receive. No me is forced to buy.) bo you can look here with the greatest freedom without being bored by oyer persuasive clerks. Como" early a.nd make your selections and avoid the rush of the last few days. dsy.

wells, and force is used only to carry 0. U. Smith wu it Tipton todaj. J. J.

Wood want to Frankfort this J. Markleywaaln town from An it to other places, can not be enjoined without a showing that some dan derson lait eight morning. John Bell looked after bueinete at In lira. Jamas Hafaroin waa at Iodlan- ger to plaintifTa property is threatened from the possible bursting of pipes or otherwise, although such dlanapolia today. tpolla todaj.

Henry Barnea wu la the city from transportation might be a viola uoa 6m tha BohamUn (Usa blovar at tha of the criminal statute. Marion today. Matbodist baiau. Handkerchiefs The opinion is considered of great W.J. Spruce waa among the Elwood Sherman Nobla mail tha round trip importance, as -Chicago and many cities of Western Ohio are being sup people at Andereoo thia morning.

to Frankton thli Look out for Santa ciaua at the Em plied by natural fuel from the Indi U. M. Morris of Richmond, looked af ana fields. The state authorities hava porium Millinery, 1422 Main atreet. ttr bnalnett In Elwood today.

Ed A. 8mith of the When looked af The greatest stock ever shown for ladles and gentlemen. From a penny handkerchief to the finest embroidered goods we show a pleasing assortment. We are especially proud of our 15 and 25 cent assortment. Its the -best anywhere.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kitchen vent been investigating the pumping of natural gas out of the state foreey. eral weeks. REMARKABLE FAMILY to Anderson on the morning train.

ter eone bnaineea matters at the county aeat thia morning. Dr.F. L. Baylor was tmong the El Attorney Perry Bebymer of Marion wood folki tha Capital city today. waa In the city this morning enroote to Mra.

Jamea Recos of Tipton la apend Tipton to attend to eome legal buainese, a few daya here with tha family of bar Wahtsd, Oabpkxtirs Apply at once son, 8amnsl. to the Kelly Axe M'f'g. Alexandria, lad. 1-tf Mr and Mra. Ellaht Hukef wbo Its a skin game, of course, to sell furs.

But remember the furs we sell are all made of guaranteed skinsFur lire near Bobba, bars a fins girl baby Go to the Methodist Bssaar for fine at their home. eoarfi from the cheapest made that are good to the Wajtixd. A middle aged woman, in handkerchiefe, floor pillows, all kinda of fancy work, oreeaed dolla, comforta and quilts, etc highest grade beaver sets to be bought. Don't wait a small family, at reasonable wages, 1709 effiootaII strNt' Ht5. Fob Rurr That nice residence, cor till the last day and have to take what is left, lay the'm away for you.

Try oar new cigar, American Girl ner 8outh A and 18th. Room opera block or U22 Main street llt3 ths prlds of thsgu belt. Vmr Daaa-btcra aa4 Tare Soma Whoao AToraac Aar Ia Ta Years Thai Aaaaal Romaioa. Terre Haute, Dec 13. Tha.

seven sons and daughters of William and Rebecca Benefield bave'ust teld the annual family' reunion south of tbia city, when it wa found that tha average sge of the seven waa 72 years, perhaps the oldest age of any family of seven children in the country. Tha father died of cholera In Galena, EL, in 1835, the year when the epidemlo there was so fatal that it ia a historical occurrence in medical books. Tha widowed mother moved back to Indiana, with a babe the youngest of seven children. She died some years ago, but the children have ever since Mved in the same community. The oldest is now 81 years of age" and the youngest 65.

There ere four daughters and three sons, all and some witlh grandchildren. BRIDE-ELECT BALKED. Kid Ltfeber tha prlie fighter, ia eerr. B. Baub Co.

Ths Frankfort. Morning Timea baa Clocks 'N2" lng a twenty day eentencs in tha county jail for his escapade in thia city Sunday purchased a typesetting machine and will have it metalled tbia waek. night What if more useful on appropriate for a Christmas Abraham Fry, a well known teteran of Myers and Parson, the boye who held np ana roonaa rrans tMrker in tne present for mother or wife or sister than stylish wrap? She wants one, you may be sure. Here is an this city, baa Just had his pension In creased to $21 per month. oonntry north of Elwood laat week, were taken to the reformatory yeeter Dr.

D. 0. Harrold went to Indlanapo assortment that is immense. Any style you want If its day. liathla morning to attend the atata good is here, and-the price is immense (in your favor.) fleber Harrold went eaat on the Lake pealtry ahow now In prpgreea there.

He Erie tbie morning. haa a number of fine ohickena- on eznt bition. 137 Wo lay tway any article for Christmas for a small deposit and deliver any time The Elke are rapidly getting their Butch" Qllcfiriat went weet on ths comic opera, Princess Bonnie in ehape tor production. It will be a floe enter Lake Erie morning train. talnment.

-1 Store Boston The Dr. Plough made a buslnesa trip to Claud Folaod and family left thia morning for Loretta, Kentucky, where they will apend aererai month with Andereoq this afternoon. Erery thlatf Waa ta Readiness For 4he Weddln When the Girl Changed Her 1 Indianapolis, Dec. 12. Herbert Houston, of Shelbyville, who is a student in a conservatory of music in; this city, woed pretty MIbs Gertrude Gillstt, of Illinois, who is visiting friends here.

'He had completed plana for the wedding when she changed her He telephoned to his guardian, 1 The new wire nail mill at Kokomo did Mra. Foland parents. Stoneman Co. not start yesterday aa waa but J6hn Dana retnrned to Indianapolis thia morning after a abort atay with It ia the Intention to begin operatlone next Monday. Dr.

Baeb, the epeoiallst, was not able Mrs. Stella Kltterman arrived in the 0. Heart, of Frankton. haa been to ba It his El wood oScs yeeterdsy city at noon from tor granted a patent on a wheel bnb. Mr.

J. 0. Morehead and children re-turned today from 8ummerviile, neeaee. where they havs been spending ateral biontha with ralatlfea and friends. having been detained In New Tork atata.

Ha will ba bara next waek however, visit with her friend, Mrs. Howard, at 401 South A atreet 7 John Cunningham, of. Kokomo, la aoendioff a taw daya with 'Kokomo without fall. Oil 1X tU AUUVT AA QUV VUUIU MWV Bi compelled to carry out the agreement. The guardian came Tuesday, but there was nothing to be done.

Membere of the Knights of Pythisa frlenda. lodge at Noblesville are arranging for 4 P. T. O'Brien was at Alexandria thia big raoDit cnaee to ootain meat ror a grand eupper to be given on tha evening morning. elect boasted of his estate, and held out allurememts of an European Voyage, investigation disclosed him only as heir to a small competence.

of the Charlea Rummel, who preeidea at tha throttle of the Pandandls switch engine, la BDerJdlDg a few daya with frlenda at CP. Rigs the well known barber, wnp haa for eome time been employed at Paul Finch'a place, haa taken a chair Antl-LoTO-Maklng- Clnbs. Osgood, Dec. 12. The young Loganaport.

The period of forty honra derotion In 81m Swihart'a new ehop on South A at St. Josephs ohnroh ended last night. street. Our line will be on display next Thursday Amcngst other things we will have (, Books, Bibles, Pocketbooks, Card Cases, Perfume, Atomizers, Haviland Cfilna, Toilet Cases, Hanlcure Sets, Albums and Vases. Frank who has held Marshall Thomaa of the Panhnndla deteetive force aaye that that man Kuhn who abot tha officer at Loganaport Is one of the moat desperate men in tha country the poaition of soale inapeotor for the Panhandle Company for.

the past aix teen years, has resigned. While ontting timber in a woods near Emporia in the south part of the ooun ty yesterday, Henry Stohler waa probably fatally injured by a heavy limb falling upon him. Rer. J. A.

Beatty of Elwood, and Rer. ard there aro a number of cities In the northern part of the etate where the bffleera do not care to hare anything to men 1 and women ol nave formed clubs, each placing a ban on every form qf presents, attentions love-making from the other Sex. Members of each club wear badges signifying their renunciation of cu-pid's wileB. Speculation is rife as to which side will be first for peace. Saw the Sights.

Indianapolis, Dec. 12. Monday evening. Mrs. Margaret who is known be over 100 years and is cared for in one of the religious institutions of this city, walked to the state capltol and for the first time was taken aloft In the-elevator, ijhe also inspected the state museum and of terward spent two do with him.

Dr. F. L. SAYLOR, Phono 03. Dnifjo and Books.

The "Hello Bilr oampany of last aeaeon waa noted for the beauty of Its women, and in the Misses Ola Ham phreye, Emily Laecellee, Eugenie Bower and Carrie Lee ia said to have a quintette whlca It would ba hard to equal Vifiritnnc fiftc That aro usoful and a nearly impossible to beat. Wldiwaa vma X7U1 too appreciated. The heavieet turkey that haa been brought to Elwood tbie year wae re nours vuc wu. Died While A Muncie, Ind.i Dec. 12.

While bak-. lng some special dainties for her chil ceived by John Noble yesterday. It came from tha Bitner farm and Weighed an even forty pounds. That fiwl will ALLS WELL THAT ENDS make an ample Christmas dinner for someone.1 3 5Q CD g. 03 Advertielng Is to tha merohant what plowing and aowing ia to the farmer.

WELL dren, who were to pay a visit to tneuQ aged mother, Mrs. Mary Hubbard, aged 76, died at her home 'in the' southern part of this city. Death was due to a hemorrhage of the lungs. Demolished the' Fnrnttnre. Bluff ton.

Indnv Dec. 12. Samuel Eiler, a. young man, is now in jail here, clarged with demolishing nearly all the household furniture of Mrs. Pi a It til 5 Imagine a farmer trying to raise a crop by alttlng on tha fence aa he' looka over a ten acre field wishing that a nice crop of wheat or corn would apring up la itt But not any mora eo than the merchant Choreh risited Dr.

H- W. Bennett to day and iuspeoted tha new ohnroh. They pronounced it the best building in the oonferenoe distriot-rAndenon Herald. Jerry Hupp, who has been flatting here and at Elwood, haa returned to Fairmonnt, where he Is employed by tha Falrmonnt liquor Tratnor and Pat Broadner of Elwood, spent yeaterdayas ths gneet of Measra. Oorbett Mahaffey of the Indiana Brewing company Kewa.

Ths Tipton County Poultry Stock aaaooiatlon of whioh a number of Elwood poultry breedera are membere, has decided to hold Its annual show at Tipton, January 21 to 23. The premium liet will be pat lout la a lew days. Quite a lot of Elwood a took will be on ezhlbi tl on there. Go to ths Methodlet Basaar for fins handkerchiefs, floor pillows, all kinds of fancy work, dressed dolla, comforta and qullfia, silk alnmber robes, domeetlo artl elee, at Harting block. Opening Wednesday a.

m. Open day and eten lng ths reat of ths week. Daugherty Jenner opened np their new restaurant on Main street, under tha Rxoobd odos Isat erening. It has been entirely rearranged and Is now one of the eoslaat placenta tha city. Ths proprietors are restaurant people from way back and thilr new place will doubtless get Its share of ths patronags.

whohldaa a stock of goods away In atoreroom and then alta on the counter, WHEN -V- -'i END JfyJ Peter Nutter, wifch whom he 'Eiler was confined in the asylum at Richmond several months last summer, but was dismissed aa cured. hoping that people will come In and buy, It aeldom happena that man and wife CO CQ t. CD a i 0 ct, I CD Pi il live to celebrate the 61st annivsraany of their marriage, but euch was tha case la this city todsy. On December 1, 1839, tha ceremony waa performed which made Mr. and Mrs.

Martin Bundy Liable to Paf a Forfeit. Jeffersonville, Dec 12. PI McCormick contractors for the new cell hfluse-et the Indiana reform- atory, have been liable, to a forfeiture -of $25 per day since November 80 because of non-completion of the work, which jpay take sit months longer. Body In Medical College. Laporte, Dec 12.

The bellaf generally accented that Rev. Mah-; Ion Cause, formerly pastor of the -Friends' dhnrch at StlllwelL thia man and wife, and ths evsnt was fitting' ly celebrated today at. their home on 0, Booth Main street. A sumptoue dinner was eerved to a few Invited gnests. Those present were: Dr.

and Mrs. Mi SHOES Mahin, Mr. and Mra. Henry Shroyer, Mrs. Hannah Elliott, EL Bandy, and county, committed suicide on the family, and Mrs.

Peed of Elwoodr-Bew SOW I Tattflie Arnne4. da rA Vvrwter vw Vw WW, Has Jab Wot. caatla Courier. Try the a dk nvuiv i vv-Off bua sue tvwu found its way to A medical college. 1.

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